Thursday, June 4, 2009

Ad revenues sink like a rock

There's no shortage of bad news for traditional news media, but the trends presented in this article are stark indeed. I left the trade publishing business several years ago, just after the arc had crested (for ad revenues) and editors were being forced to concede to the demands of advertisers--and our own sales staffs. How very much uglier those battles must be today.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Death by a thousand cut-and-pastes

Maureen Dowd is the latest journalistic big gun to be caught using someone else's prose and pretending it's hers. Dowd used about 40 words from an online source in a column that appeared yesterday in the New York Times. This article from Slate helpfully analyzes the infraction, and how Dowd has responded. This is clearly a teachable moment, as journalism students everywhere have been admonished for years to never do what Dowd has done--to her public and personal embarrassment. Having this bad behavior outed is perhaps the only thing that keeps it from becoming rampant, considering the ease with which anyone can cut-and-paste someone else's creative thought.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Rent a reporter

People are trying to find new ways to fund reporting, particularly investigative reporting. Here's one enterprising approach: journalists passing around the tin cup. Check out Spot.Us, the clever name for a web site at which people in the community (for now, just the SF Bay Area) can fund reporting via small donations. It won't take the place of salaried jobs, but those aren't exactly proliferating. In the meanwhile, why not consider becoming a rent-a-reporter?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

J-schools thrive

It's a great time to be studying journalism. Even the Timeses (LA and NY) think so. These two articles should provide a jolt of adrenalin for anyone in the J-school pipeline, and even for those of us who are well into it. The future of journalism is wide open, and opportunities abound.
As newspapers decline, journalism schools thrive">
J-schools play catch-up

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Right analysis, wrong solution

If newspapers are going to survive, they're going to need government help. That's the diagnosis provided by Frank Blethen, one of the last independent newspaper owner-publishers in the U.S. What Blethen would like to do is turn back the clock to a time when government found it in its interests to subsidize the press, which is decidedly not the case today.

Blethen is the CEO and publisher of the Seattle Times, and one presumes a wealthy and powerful man, in the way that most newspaper publishers used to be. Now it's the executives of huge media conglomerates who are really rich, and who, according to Blethen, have bled the life out of a business model for the newspaper industry that's fatally greedy, and mostly killed independent journalism in the process.

I wanted to like Blethen's populist message, but everything he said was just so dang self-interested. I agree that corporate-owned media has not been good for journalism, and that local communities have been deprived of a strong editorial voice for many years as newspapers have gone soft. Professional, fact-based reporting is critical to the health of democracy, and we don't know where it's going to come from, if not from traditional-looking newsrooms. Blethen claims that readership at the Times (press and online combined) is at an all-time high, but that's not my experience. What I hear is that readership of newspapers (print and online) is in freefall. It's all a big mess, and enough to make you want to round up all those "rapacious capitalists" that Blethen maligns, just like the Feds did with Bernie Madoff.

But Blethen is wrong in his approach in two big ways. One, the government isn't going to put its money into newspapers. Public subsidies, low-interest loans, rebates to subscribers, and tax credits to the press just ain't going to happen. In any other business environment than the current one, he'd be considered certifiably crazy for suggesting it. But everyone is getting a government handout these days, so why not newspapers? Get in line, Blethen.

He's wrong in an even bigger way in not realizing that the demise of newspapers has opened the door for other forms of news creation and distribution in which his company doesn't participate. Blethen is so wed to print newspapers, from which his company generates 90% of its revenue, and its online equivalent, that he's convinced this is its only way forward. The local newspaper is likely to survive in some form, but online news in its many imaginative forms is the future. Someone will eventually figure out a way to make money at it.

Does this all mean that our democracy is at risk because we don't have newspapers to bird-dog the government and big business? In my opinion, no. Everyone is a reporter now, and malfeasance and corruption will be outed, only it will be through what we now consider unconventional sources and in unconventional ways. There are bloggers who are doing it now.

Print newspapers were, and still are, key parts of the news ecosystem. There is no going back to the old days, however, and most everyone knows that--Frank Blethen aside.

For a more objective analysis of why media consolidation is not in the best interests of journalism, read this article at

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Online printing press

Magazines have largely been left behind with Web 2.0, but HP may be changing that with its new MagCloud web application. This video explains what students at Cal Berkeley are doing to self-publish a fashion magazine that looks like a winner. You have to create PDFs of your content in InDesign, and then once you've completed your issue, it can be ordered from the site individually (in addition to being sent to your own list). Interesting experiment.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Advancing the story

When a newspaper goes down, it sends news reporters and editor out on the street. Some of them stay there. Others go on to try some creative new strategies for online news. In his latest column in Editor & Publisher, Steve Outing writes about what's happening in Denver and San Diego, where former newspaper folks are experimenting with new models. Will they work? Maybe not, but they're advancing the story, so to speak.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Be a mad media scientist

Perhaps the best advice someone from old media can give to children of new media is simply to dive in and try out new ideas. In this post from his media blog, Clay Shirky endorses the impulse to experiment. No one knows where journalism is going, but we do know it's not going away. Its reinvention is likely to be wholly unforeseen and, for a while at least, unforeseeable. That creates enormous opportunities for those willing to risk their time and talent in applying the tested and proven modes of the written word with emerging technologies.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Why bother?

A question I have sometimes asked myself is, Why teach journalism if newspapers are dying? Hey, wait--someone else has asked this question too? (see link below) In fact, nearly everyone who teaches journalism has formed some version of this question. And the answer? Oh, there are many. Mine: Because I'm paid to do it (cynical response) and because the world needs and wants journalism--it just doesn't fully appreciate that fact just yet (optimistic response). Also, newspapers are only a small part of the equation, and an increasingly small one at that. The many responses to this short article are worth wading through.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Writing online

How you write for online sources is different than print. Here's a good guide. We all need to think carefully about who it is we're writing for, and what the reader needs and/or wants.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Debate over print vs. electronic journalism

This bulletin board discussion does more to describe and explain the future of journalism and the print vs. electronic debate than anything I've seen. Lots of knowledgeable, opinionated people make for a fun read.

It's not the technology, stupid

It's the mindset and culture of social networking that attracts people, and keeps them engaged, not the technology per se. This article explores the rapidly accelerating trend of adults toward social networking.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

How the news media can engage the young

The Obama election has proven that young people can be engaged in politics in a way never thought possible. Will the same be said in the future about the news media? Read one perspective here.

The freelance life

Ah, it's great to see CNN validate the freelance writing life. In an economic slowdown, in particular, this is a fine career option. Click here for the story.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

What is journalism?

Good article from Columbia Journalism Review, titled “The bigger tent: Forget who is a journalist. The important question is, what is journalism?"

Out of the gate

Greetings. This blog will be used to post announcements, information, links and other hot stuff for student of my NMC302 class on reporting. Stay tuned.